A few nights ago I was awakened from a deep, peaceful catnap. Who would dare to disturb a cat’s beautyrest? Turns out it was the unmistakable “Beep! Beep! Beep!” of a smoke detector accompanied by a loud and commanding human voice.
"So weird," I thought. "I don't smell any smoke at all." But the alarm continued to wail (Beep! Beep! Beep!) and that insistent human voice continued to shout at me ("Warning! Evacuate! Evacuate! Smoke in basement! Evacuate!") Still not smelling any smoke, I peered down the stairs leading to the basement below. "Hmmm, no smoke or fire down there." I quickly made my way to my guest bedroom to check on my servants and found them fast asleep (one on his back emitting a slight snore and an occasional snort, the other on her side, peaceful and breathing gently.) “All’s well here, too” I concluded.
And then it occurred to me. That alarm was not emanating from my home after all. Instead it was coming from the house next door (in which my neighbor, a striking Persian whom I’ve never had the pleasure to meet but regularly admire from my window, resides with her chosen servants).
I hopped up to my window sill to take a look outside. From my vantage point, I could see her and the servants milling about on the front lawn. Thay all looked a bit dazed, but appeared to be OK. The fire department arrived a moment later.
The next day I found out that the fire in the Persian’s home had started in the clothes dryer in the basement (an all too common cause of house fires). Fortunately, her servants had recently installed a very cool and potentially life-saving gadget known as the "ONELINK Combination Smoke Alarm and Carbon Monoxide Detector" system from First Alert.
Here’s the scoop:
The system provides protection from two deadly threats (smoke and carbon monoxide). It also gives you precious time in the event of an emergency. By wirelessly communicating with other ONELINK alarms, the device let’s you create a whole-home safety network. Using two or more combination alarms you can build an integrated smoke and carbon monoxide alarm system without the cost and hassle of wiring your home.
Regrettably, you poor humans don’t have the superior hearing we cats possess. Sure I can easily hear the smoke alarm sounding way over at the neighbor's house. But you might not even be able to hear an alarm in your own home. If a fire starts in your basement while you're asleep upstairs you may not be able to hear the smoke alarm and wake-up. And it could take several minutes before the heat and smoke reaches an alarm that's close enough for you to hear its siren.
Thankfully, the ONELINK Combination Smoke Alarm and Carbon Monoxide Detector will provide humans with the earliest warning in an emergency. When one of these clever devices detects smoke or carbon monoxide, all of the other integrated ONELINK alarms in your home will sound. The devices will also announce the location of the emergency ("smoke in basement" or "smoke in garage" etc.) so you can quickly decide on your best escape route and get out!
Life is too short (even if you do have nine of them). I’m off to introduce myself to that lovely Persian next door. Meeeeow!
Get your paws on some "ONELINK Combination Smoke Alarm and Carbon Monoxide Detectors" by clicking here: